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100% Made in Italy shoes
Les chaussures Fiore de Luca sont fabriquées entièrement en Italie avec des cuirs d'origine italienne.
What is Made in Italy?
Technically, the English expression
Made in Italy indicates the process of reassessing Italian artisanal and industrial production in terms of material quality, aesthetic taste, attention to detail, sensitivity to beauty and durability, which has often led to Italian products to excel in international business competition.
The Made In Italy label has become, over the years, a real brand and a true synonym of quality for 100% Made in Italy shoes.
The reasons for this worldwide success can be found in the historical, cultural and artistic traditions of the Italian territory. Italy has a very rich and varied aesthetic and environmental heritage.
Beatrice B. sélectionne et travaille uniquement avec des petites entreprises familiales afin que chaque étape de la production soit bien suivie, faite avec rigueur et passion pour le cuir et la chaussure. La plupart des artisans travaillent depuis les années '70 et ils apprennent leur métier à leurs enfants. C'est toute une histoire de passion.

Italian artisans, designers and stylists absorb "nutrients" in the form of creative stimuli and inputs capable of translating into high quality products and artefacts.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
It is this territorial gene that makes the difference in the construction of the added value of "Made In Italy" compared to other competing productions, where good taste and love of good things done - made "to perfection" - are less obvious if not absent.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The value of tradition combined with technological innovation has made it possible to establish Made In Italy in highly competitive global markets.
The ability to innovate tradition has therefore been and always will be the strategy for the success of Made in Italy.
What is the real meaning of craftsmanship? And where exactly does its value lie?
In the hands that create the object, in the time required, in the capacity, in the attention to detail, in the skill to use the material. For all these reasons, and all together, fully aware that certain types of footwear production can only be carried out in Italy.
To stay in the world of footwear , along the Riviera del Brenta and in the rest of Veneto, on the Marche hills, in parts of Tuscany and in the extraordinary factories of Emilia-Romagna, in the cities from Lombardy, from Vigevano to Parabiago, there are the most qualified workers who create masterpieces for French and international stars, as well as in the entrepreneurial geography of companies that combine craftsmanship and industry typical of Puglia and the Campania.